HURSLEY Sports and social ArCHERY CLUB


Archery is a sociable sport which can be enjoyed by all ages, and does not require great physical strength.

If you have ever wanted to try the sport of Archery, take advantage of our trial membership scheme and have a go! Basic tuition and equipment suitable for beginners is available within the club.

Many tournaments are held locally and throughout the country all through the year for archers of all standards, and a national classification scheme provides a measure of progress.

Please note that the Hursley Sports and Social Archery Club is a subsection of the Hursley Sports and Social Club, and membership is restricted to club members and their families. We are unable to offer membership or tuition to non members of the Hursley Sports and Social Club.

Additional information:


From May to September, we shoot on the Lower Sports Field on Thursday evenings from 5PM, weather permitting.

From October to April, we shoot in the Sports Hall on Thursday evenings from 7:00PM, until about 9:30PM.

We shoot one match a month (November to March) in a postal league.

We also shoot on the Main Sports Field or the Lower Sports Field on Sundays throughout the year, but please check times and that someone will be there.

Children aged 12 or under should be accompanied by a parent.


The club has basic equipment for beginners, and Tony Jennings is a qualified Club Coach. Tony and others in the club can advise on the purchase of suitable equipment when necessary. Most archers will need their own equipment once they have learned the basic techniques.

Hampshire Archery Association usually arranges winter and summer Coaching Clinics for more advanced coaching.


We offer a trial membership of £5 for six sessions.  After this, if you wish to continue shooting, you must pay an annual subscription of £74.00 for adults or £30.50 for juniors (under eighteen).

You must be a member of the Hursley Sports and Social Club. The subscription includes affiliation to the Grand National Archery Society, the Southern Counties Archery Society and the Hampshire Archery Association, which is essential for insurance cover and for entry to tournaments, as well as the club subscription.  The subscription year runs from October to September.  Anyone joining during the subscription year pays a pro-rated subscription.

For more information contact:

Mike Adams:
- 01962 713239