HURSLEY Sports and Social CLUB
TUESDAY 11 JUNE 2019 AT 12.15 PM
1 Validity of the meeting
2 Apologies for absence
3 Minutes of the meeting held on 26 June 2018
4 Matters arising
5 Annual reports:
(a) Chairman
(b) Bar & Catering
(c) Entertainments & SCR
(d) Facilities
(e) Finance
6 Elections of Officers & Committee
At the closing date for nominations there were 7 nominations so all are elected unopposed:
Colin Boulain (B)
Abigail Bettle-Shaffer
Sarah Cope
Nick Garrod (B)
Jill Robinson (B)
Neil Simpson (B) (C)
Kevin Smith (B)
(B) = Bar Committee, requires meeting approval (C) = Chairman
7 Appointment of the independent examiners for 2019-20
8 Any Other Business